Monday, November 7, 2011

Zionism Fast Tracked Jewish History

The return of Israel to their promised land is well documented and interpreted throughout history. In the absence of a credible time frame the void was filled by the Zionist ideology that is almost exclusively a movement by the Jews of Eastern Europe. Impatient of waiting for an answer, the managers of Zionism decided by themselves to help the Tribal God of ancient Israel to make up His mind and fulfill His promise.

The manifestation of the present day conflict in Israel has its origin in the 1880s when Zionist settlers arrived in Palestine. As their numbers grew, tensions began to rise as the political agenda became clear. The purchasing of land from absentee Arab owners, funded by the Jewish National Fund, led to the dispossession of the indigenous Arab peasants.

Before the political invasion of Arab Palestine by the Zionists the indigenous Jews and Arabs lived in peace and harmony with little if any conflict between them. This was about to change, as the scene was set for one of the longest ongoing bloody conflicts in modern history. The architects of Zionism successfully introduced their mythical plan to settle a people without land in a land without people, which 700 000 Palestinians already called home for more than a 1000 years. Their policy of forced settlements is continuing in the 21-st century. These actions caused hardship, humiliation and bloodshed to the Arabs in Palestine and gave birth to resistance against an evil movement which motivate their actions through their religious believes as the Chosen People Of God. The indigenous Jews of Palestine also reacted negatively to Zionism because their actions brought hostility to a peaceful environment that they shared with the Arabs. From now on they will always be the canon fodder as a result of the dangerous ambitions of the Zionist leaders.

The Zionists found willing partners in the British and American governments. Their sympathizers and fellow Zionists in the mentioned countries were manipulating policies to ensure the implementation of the Zionist agenda; An Independent Jewish State at all costs. The early 1900s up to the official creation of the Jewish State in 1948 saw political bickering through commissions and tribunals. The outcome of this positioned the Zionist movement as the only serious contender for successfully claiming what is not legally theirs. Zionism’s supporters in the western world of course mandated their successful claim on the disputed land. By what other means do you have to give up 80% of your land if the occupying power does not have powerful friends in powerful circles? The Arab Palestinians who for many millennia knew this land as their home were successfully dispossessed by settlers from Russia and Europe of what is rightfully theirs. Their only mistake was to occupy the land of the Chosen People whose God gave clear instructions on how these inhabitants should be dealt with. The Old Testament book of Deuteronomy reads like a manual on how to deal with the enemy with the theme of utter destruction very common. There is absolutely no doubt that the party mainly responsible for the most bloodshed in this ongoing conflict is relying very heavily on Deuteronomy to guide them. They are acting untouchable and who else will not if the Almighty God mandates their actions.

The search for answers for this senseless conflict takes one back to the 7th century of our era when a group of people known as The Khazars , a Turco – Mongolian race between the Black – and Caspian seas in the south of Russia, converted to Judaism. This mass conversion meant that a great number of people, who had no Semitic blood or ancestral link with Palestine whatever, suddenly became Jews. At the time it seems that they did not have any impact on the course of the Jewish dogma. Only after the Talmudic center was set up in Poland in the 1500’s the vast number of Jews in Poland became apparent. At the time it was very significant and surprising for a large Jewish community to come into being in Poland, as there is no record of any Jewish mass – migration to Poland. The mass conversion in the 7th century of our time has come a full circle and Judaism as a conqueror ideology will leave it’s footprint on mankind like never before in history. With the adding of the Talmud to support there nationalistic political aspirations the Jewish people were in the hands of the constructors of Zionism. The aim …to become as destructive as possible to guard jealously their surprised inheritance as The Chosen People Of God. The senseless annihilation of people in the Old Testament Book of Deuteronomy revived the memories of the Palestinians in Gaza and the West bank.

What does the future holds for the Jewish and Palestinian neighbors who so desperately wants peace in Israel / Palestine? Maybe the answer lies in a statement from the present Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu during his address of AIPAC in 2010 and I quote – “Jerusalem is our capital not a settlement”. If I was a Palestinian this will most definitely be an ominous sign of what the future holds.

The studying of the conflict between Jew and Arab is one of the most rewarding once you have decided to cast off the fear of religious dogma and concentrate on the injustices of the conflict. The argument that God gave the disputed land to His Chosen People thousands of years earlier is becoming increasingly undefendable in the face of public opinion.

Who is most likely to benefit from a crime as comprehensive as this?

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